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Study of Financial Performance Based On Ratios

Project title is A Study of Financial Performance Based On Ratios At TCN Mumbai. Financial statements provide summarized view of the financial position and operation of the company. Therefore, now a day it is necessary to all companies to know as well as to show the financial soundness i.e. position and operation of company to their stakeholders. It is also necessary to company to know their financial position and operation of the company.
–         Executive Summary
–         Design of the Study
–         Scope of the Study and Methodology
–         Introduction to the Ratios
Financial statements provide summarized view of the financial position and operation of the company. Therefore, now a day it is necessary to all companies to know as well as to show the financial soundness i.e. position and operation of company to their stakeholders. It is also necessary to company to know their financial position and operation of the company.
In this report I made an effort to know the financial position of the Tcn Construction Equipment Company Limited Dharwad, by using the Annual Reports of the company.
The Financial analysis of this report will show the Strength and weakness of the Tcn Construction Equipment Company Limited Dharwad. Financial analysis will help the company to take decision.
Thus, we can say that, Financial Analysis is a starting point for making plans before using any sophisticated forecasting and planning.
Objectives of the study:                   
  1. Main Objective is to study the different ratios used in TCN.
  2. To know the financial performance based on ratios.
  3. To find out the companies efficiency based on past and present profitability. ratios
  4. To study the liquidity position of the company.
  5. To improve its future performance by analyzing its financial statements.


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