Do you have basic knowledge of HTML, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET ? Here is an tips and tricks to earn part time income for college students.We provide tips for basic web designer to earn income though online. There are many sources to earn income through internet. Today I am going to explain one more source of earning income through online, without any investment and without selling products.
Are you Website developer?
Do you have any basic idea of developing Website?
Do you have any basic idea of developing Website?
Best business opportunity for college students.
Have you heard about Many people are earning hand full income through this BlogSpot, just by posting Articles. Google ad sense provides advertisement link, that link we have to place in our BlogSpot website and Google pays for it.
Many people are earning more than Rs.500 per day using
But you have to be a good article writer. You can post any type of article in this but you have to follow rules and regulations of Google.
Just you have to follow below steps.
- Open and create your account.
- You can create any blogs which suites your talent. (For Example; If you are good in computer hardware and networking you can develop blog site related to hardware and networking).
- Then publish articles in your blog site. (Please Note: Don’t copy any contents from other sites because Google verify your articles. If it is found such contents in other sites then they may block your account.)
- Then you have to promote your articles by posting in sum ad classified website. Promoting website takes very long time, it may take more than 6 months. Day by day your article will get promoted if you publish good articles.
- But one thing you must note it is not a quick rich money making plan, it depends on your talent and your article.
To make money blogging you need to monetize. This should be in your plan for continued success.